Engagement Strategies for Leaders

Engagement Strategies for Leaders

Emotional Intelligence Based Leadership:

Competent, passionate and hands-on leadership is critical to employee engagement. Displaying an interest in your employees and investing time in understanding their needs and ambitions will help send the message that their contribution is valued, creating a willingness and desire to succeed, both as an individual and as part of a team.

Effective Communication:

A critical component of all employee engagement initiatives is effective communication.  Leaders should take time to find what motivates their team and what are their career goals.  Apply this knowledge to create opportunities for development and reinforce the value of an employee’s contribution.  Provide challenges and rewards to stimulate your team and encourage a supportive environment where people want to succeed.  A company’s best asset is an engaged employee.

Effective Feedback:

Providing regular and frequent feedback to employees is vital to effectively engage.  The feedback needs to be delivered by providing direct and clear information about the effectiveness of the employee’s performance.  It is also important to realise that the feedback goes both ways, it is an opportunity for the employee to provide feedback to the leader on potential issues and areas for improvement.  Having self-awareness to take this feedback and use it constructively is imperative.  During these sessions, identify what motivates the employees by setting-up employee surveys and other feedback tools.   Recognise how employees define success to be able to create a rewarding environment in which they can operate at their maximum potential and abilities.

Driving Engagement Focusing on Strengths:

Strength based change is a concept which has been researched and strong evidence shows it is an effective approach to obtaining the best possible performance from individuals, (Rath T & Conchie B. 2008).  By being able to clearly identify an individuals strengths and weaknesses, it will be an effective approach to driving engagement and setting up the individual for success. 

Provide Reward and Recognition:

To ensure employees remain motivated, it is important for their efforts to be recognised and rewarded.  Regularly expressing appreciation for their efforts demonstrates your awareness of their hard work and provides encouragement to continue their high level of performance.

Encourage Autonomy and Self-Management:

Ensure leaders take on a coaching and mentoring role to encourage autonomy within how teams and individuals work.  Allow teams and individuals greater responsibilities to find innovative new methods of working together and become self-managing.

Innovation Days:

Introduce the concept of innovation days where employees can pitch their own ideas and have dedicated time allocated to work on these ideas.  This will drive engagement through employees working on what they are passionate and care about and will potentially result in new innovative solutions to take to market for the organisation.