Leading Change

Leading Change

As stated by a McKinsey & Co survey of executives, 60 -70% of major organisational change initiatives grind to a halt or fail to achieve the benefits they seek to realise because of poorly managed change approaches.

A successful change or transformation outcome relies not only on effective change management, but more importantly change leadership.  To me this relies change leaders to lead the change process and also lead people through the process.

Kotter’s Change Management Model can be used to show a 8 key areas of this process and the people leadership aspect is critical at each step.

  • Establish a sense of urgency – consistent, honest and regular communication.
  • Form a guiding coalition – develop a cross functional group with various skillsets, expertise and influence.
  • Create a vision – inspire and motivate.
  • Communicate the vision.
  • Empower others to act on the vision through alignment and autonomy principles.
  • Create short wins to build confidence and gain momentum and increased buy-in.
  • Consolidate improvement – learn and adapt to continue on the change roadmap.
  • Institutionalize new approaches.